And just like that (*insert wind emoji and ‘poof’ sound), the holidays are over and it’s right back to work. Must admit that I am still absolutely shattered, post flu and post neurodivergent Christmas overstimulation. But the list of things to do goes on, and this week starts with the 2023 International Symposium of Autoethnography and Narrative, followed by finishing the first draft of an article with a looming deadline, and checking submission dates for the International Association of Illustration Academics 2023 exhibition. To be fair, the pressure of deadlines help when you’re ADHD and they’re coming thick and fast!
I’m actually struggling to put the words together here as I am so tired. It’s been a very busy few days over in Belfast getting ready for a collecting my first round of data on the reception of my object illustrations. The hard work paid off as I am sat on the ferry home to Liverpool reading through the feedback forms. Some very interesting data to analyse when I get back, which will in turn influence the next iteration of object illustrations. I was bervous about facilitaing the session with a larger group than expected as there was so much to remeber in regards to safeguarding as well as the research context and craftivist element. I was lucky to work with such a receptive group of women that said they could have spent thei whole day at the sesion rather than the scheduled 3-hours. Even as I left the room after the allocated time to clean the other spaces we used, I returned to find some of the group still working on their work; through their lunchtime. Reading the data and the many thank yous included on the feedback forms is truly humbling. If I wanted anything from the session it was to have the group feel they got something from the session, not just me (data), and that seems to have really come across.
I had booked to attend a half-day symposium called What Is Seen and What Is Not: Expressions on Class, Space and Identity with the artist Osman Yousefzada to hear more about his work exploring displacement, migration and climate change. Unfortunately the talk was cancelled but as I had already arrived in London, ceramic artist Sam Lucas let me jump on her plans for the day. We spent some time at the V&A to see the Illustration awards and the ceramics collection while talking about our research. I also tagged along to the James Freeman gallery to see the Eden exhibition that includes mind-blowing work by Janpeter Muilwijk, Claire Curneen,
Sikelela Owen, Carolein Smit, Olivia Kemp. Dark and beautifully intriguing 👌
Very grateful to Sam and I am fascinated and excited by her PhD research exploring ceramics and ADHD women’s body image.
I’m over the moon to have received an email today informing me that my abstract has been accepted to be a delegate at the International Symposuim on Autoethnography and Narrive 2023.
My presentation now needs to be ready for recording in November. I am still calling this a presentation rather than a paper as I am considering how to privilege the practice through my delivery. I am creating object illustrations to consider the difference between close engagement with an object compared to audiences engaging with an illustration on the page or screen. ‘Presenting’ my work online transfers the 3D to 2D… very interesting problems to work through.
I really appreciate having the opportunity to present illustration practice as autoethnography to those outside of the discipline.
International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative '23